DATE: February 15, 2009, 2pm VENUE: Magbitang residence @ Alamo, CA
ATTENDEES (_x_) Dino Africa ___ Matt Hizon ___ Nani Ramirez _x_ Yollie Aquino_x_ Emma Magbitang _x_ Ron R de Dios ___ Tom Consunji_x_ Orly Mayor ___ Frank Roxas _x_ Art Dancel _x_ Arnold Mercado _x_ Willie Salgado _x_ Jojo Flores _x_ Joji Mercado ___ Irvin Sevilla _x_ Peachy Herman _x_ Caloy Narciso _x_
Guest: Ladies/Gents of LaSalle: Sarah Narciso, Chona Dancel, Jun Magbitang
Meeting Called to order @ 3:30pm
Opening prayer was led by our President, Art Dancel, followed by a roll call of attendees. The previous board member minutes, held in January, was distributed, reviewed and approved and decided that it will then be published in our Google Group email distribution list to inform, orient, and invite future members.
• First call to order, President Dancel suggested to form a “Communication Team” that would be responsible for our campaign strategy in building a stronger relationship among the Administration, Members and Prospective Members. Art defined the goals which are to open channels of communication, narrow the gap between the Association and Administration, act as liaison to welcome ideas and suggestions from the Association, and to promote increased membership
• A decision was not made to form a “Communication Team” within the board because as it is, we all do the mentioned duties voluntarily and having another sub-group for this specific action might be overwhelming.
Former President, Tom Consunji suggested to revive the membership template as a payment reminder that will be posted on our website for easy access. (Art to provide Membership template with official address using the Treasurer’s home address). Agreed!
Caloy Narciso presented the idea of having a “Green Day”, on our next DLSAANC Family picnic. Green Day just being an example of what it will be called, and it could be otherwise be renamed later on. Sole purpose is to invite LaSallian batchmates and have some sort of a contest of having the most attendees within your batch. Another way of generating attendance and gathering of LaSallians in the Bay Area.
As you all can see, the Board is actively discussing ways to promote membership, discussion and over all participation of LaSallian brothers. It was suggested to create a monthly small outing event for this purpose but no specifics were given, so no decision was made as of yet.
“MIXER FOR NETWORKING PROGRAM: A possible monthly or weekly social gathering of friends and LaSallians that will be spearheaded by Emma Magbitang, Peachy Herman and Frank Roxas. Frank will personally inquire about suggested venue: Intramuros Restaurand & Bar, in South San Francisco. Jojo Flores and Arnold Mercado advised to hold the “Mixer” after April 15th (After the TAX season) and build from there. With strong assertion from our wonderful treasurer.
Treasurer’s Report
“Yo” Aquino opened 2 bank accounts for DLSAANC, Checking and Money Market (interest earning). Balance Sheet to be posted with the minutes. The deed of opening an account from a Non Profit Organization earned us $100 towards a charitable institution of our choice. Only because DLSAANC is not on their list of supported org’s.
Former President Tom Consuni turned over the Statement of Information to the Co-Secretaries, Irvin Sevilla and Caloy Narciso and it was a decided to change the official-permanent address to “Yo’s”, Yollie Aquino’s home address in the interim.
Tom also requested a $200 donation for our brothers in Southern California, DLSAASC (World Congress) fundraising raffle which includes a choice between a FULL page or 2 SINGLE line advertisement. Possible winnings to be redirected back to the DLSAANC account. Either Checking or Money Market, not discussed til’ we actually win. “Counting of the Chicks til they’re hatched is not a common practice of the Board”
It was also discussed and agreed upon that the $200 donation be used to purchase a FULL page advertisement.
Discussion of Proposed Projects from the last meeting:
• Walk for life: Previously suggested by our President to have a 2 to 3 miles of walking event at the trail around the lake at Fremont Central Park. His original plan is to have a “No Fee” event, but participants will be urged to solicit pledges from their family & friends for $5 per mile. Additional Sponsors will also be solicited for fund raising. It was agreed to hold a similar activity to be a part of the next Family Picnic instead. The Walk will be held early in the morning with a minimum charge for fund raising purposes and it was CLEARLY stated that the picnic itself is FREE. • Scale down a Concert to a “Karaoke night with the Stars.” To invite Dingdong Avanzado ( who already agreed to perform free of charge) together with his wife Jessa Zaragosa and possibly Ogie “da pogi” Alcasid with partner Regine Velazquez. Even though this will be a small scale performance, Tom pointed out the fact that we would be using their name to attract an audience for afee, we need to look at any Legal ramifications due to their Visa status. • Due to the high cost of putting this together, the Dinner Dance and Casino night was put in the back burner for now.
• Car Raffle that was suggested by Emma Magbitang, was highly accepted by everyone, but legal issues and tax laws details will need to be addressed in the next board meeting. Also, the current economy being for what it is, will be taken in to consideration.
Irvin along with the majority of the Board is looking into revamping our website. In turn lead to a suggestion of inviting our current webmaster on our next meeting. He will inform us of the possibility of making it more interactive and to maybe give a few of our members a chance to contribute and possible access. Request for $160 bill for the said website will be paid (or TBD based on other quotes) and “Yo” to inquire on other web hosting providers for more competitive rates.
Other Outstanding Items: Status of Committee to review the By Laws
Campaign to increase membership (for future discussion)
Next meeting will be on March 27, Friday at Tipanan Restaurant, 6275 Jarvis Avenue, Newark, CA 94560 at 7 pm.
Meeting Adjourned at 5:35 PM
Recorded by Irvin Sevilla, Co-Secretary
Approved by the Board of Directors at its March 27 meeting held at Tipanan Restaurant in Newark.